Rochester Dodgeball Rules

GoFlingo Sport and Social Club

Official Dodgeball Rules

  2. Players: Teams consist of 5 Players (6 Players on the roster)
  3. Substitutions: Substitutions must be made prior to the start of the game. No substitutions can be made during a game, except in cases of injury.
  4. Co-ed means you must have at least 2 girls on the court at the start of each game.
  5. Advanced means there are no gender rules.
  6. Court: GoFlingo Dodgeball court is a Trampoline Court at Altitude Rochester.
  7. Equipment: A game is played with Altitude Dodge Balls. Teams MUST wear their GoFlingo T-Shirts.
  8. Match: Each match will consist of 5 regulation games.
  9. Games: First team to eliminate the other team wins or most players left after 6 minutes.
  10. Outs: player shall be deemed “out” when a live ball hits any part of the player’s body, clothing, or uniform or if a defending player catches a live  ball they have thrown.
  11. Returning a player: If a team catches a ball they are allowed to return a player to their team.
  12. Headshots: A headshot occurs when a player is hit directly in the head by a thrown ball. Any thrower is deemed out, the player that received the headshot remains in the game. If a player continues to throw at opponents head it is up to the discretion of the referee and GoFlingo to ban the player for that match or the entire season.
  13. Obey Altitude Rochester Rules and Regulations.
  14. These rules are subject to change upon week 1, a detailed list of rules will be provided/explained upon arrival to the courts the first week.