Rochester Foot Golf Rules

GoFlingo Sport and Social Club

Official Foot Golf Rules

  2. League Format: 9 Holes; 2 Person League
  3. Scoring: A match consists of two teams. Each match a total of 3 points will awarded out. 1 point for each individual match and 1 point for the team match. If there is a tie each team will be awarded ½ Point. For every match each of the team’s lower handicaps will play against each other. Each of the higher handicaps will play each other. Each other team will play against each other. For more information see the examples below.
  4. Handicaps: Your handicap will be generated and posted on the standings tab. Week one no one will have a handicap. For week two your handicap is the amount you shot over par for week one. For example if you shot a 45 and par for that 9 holes was 36 your handicap would be 9 for week 2. A running average will determine your handicap throughout the season.
  5. Substitutions: A substitute that has not played in the league before will not receive a handicap.
  6. Forfeit: Please inform us if you are not able to play for a given week. If your team does forfeit the team you are playing receives 3 points.
  7. Golf Rules: GoFlingo will follow the USGA Rules of Golf. Although we are playing for fun we do understand everyone is competitive. Below are some notable golf rules.
    • Cannot move your ball unless you are on the green.
    • No “Gimmies” unless the other team agrees. Ball In Hole.
    • If the ball is “Out of Bounds” a drop is required.
    • If your ball is hit in the woods you must hit 3 off the tee.
  8. Cheating: Please count your own strokes, no one wants to be classified as a cheater. If a player continues to cheat they will be removed from the league on the discretion of GoFlingo management.
  9. Scorecard: Each team is to have a separate scorecard and input the scores after each round. Please total and sign the score card before handing it in.
  10. Rules can be altered or change by GoFlingo Management.

Example of Scoring

Team one, player one has a handicap of 5. Team one; player two has a handicap of 9. Team two, player one has a handicap of 3; team two player two has a handicap of 12. Team one, player one scores a 42. Team two, player one scores a 41. Team one, player two scores a 45. Team two, player two scores a 47.

  • 1v1 (Lowest H) – Team one wins by 1. Team two is giving team one 2 strokes and beat the player by 1.
  • 1v1 (Highest H) – Team two wins by 1. Team one is giving team one 3 strokes and beat the player by 2.
  • TvT – Tie, each team is awarded ½ point. Team one is giving team two 1 stroke. Team one scored a total of 87 and team two scored a total of 88. Resulting in a tie.

The scoring might be confusing the first couple weeks but we expect team to catch on. Your handicap is a reduction of your score. If you have a lower handicap then your opponent then you are giving them extra strokes which is the difference in your handicaps.

Click to download full Foot Golf rules