Buffalo Bowling Rules

GoFlingo Sport and Social Club

Official Bowling Rules

  2. Standard bowling rules with a few extra additional non gameplay related rules.
  3. A minimum of one female must play each week.
  4. If a team is short players, the team shall receive the missing persons average less 10. The team must also cover the missing persons bowling fee.
  5. All players must wear the proper GoFlingo team t-shirt. A warning will be given for 1st offense.
  6. All players must abide by the bowling alley rules and regulations, anyone caught will be subject to dismissal from the league with no refund.
  7. If a week is cancelled due to any reason by a GoFlingo employee, an extra week will get added to the end of the season.
  8. All players must sign the waiver before playing in the league. Download the GoFlingo app to sign the waiver. It's Free!